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Deep crypto liquidity with top execution and low market impact

Get access to a deep institutional liquidity pools with firm quotes for more than 200 cryptocurrencies


Better execution quality and minimal price impact thanks to pre-trade price intelligence and real-time firm quotes with 0% rejection rate

gui api

Reduced integration costs — no need for numerous connections to fragmented liquidity pools

Learn more

Non-custodial trading platform with risk-controls, position management and flexible settlement

Get started
Process overview
Seamless workflow integrations
Discover how Finery Markets can integrate into your workflows to improve trading processes
pic pic Trade Trade
Each client has a unique tradable order book based on PB/LP relationships, credit lines, risk parameters, and spread management.
Speed bump on the taker side
100% fill ratio


Banks & brokers, OTC desks, Payment providers

  • Client 1pic
  • Client 2pic
  • Client 3pic

tradable order book


Connects via API / GUI
100% fill ratio

Non-custodial model with no counterparty risk on Finery Markets
User-friendly GUI and APIs: FIX 4.4, Websocket, REST

picFinery markets

High-performance C++ matching engine

Global order


Firm orders

Trade Settlement

MASTER (White label)

Client GUI and API endpoints

Each sub account has a unique tradable order book based on master liquidity pool, credit lines, risk parameters, and spread management.
Can be used for purposes such as:
- facilitating transactions between groups within a company,
- dividing up business lines
- creating access points for customers.

sub account

  • Customer 1
  • Customer 2
Acts as riskless principal


Sub account Makers don't match with each other
Tailored markups

sub account

  • MM 1
  • MM 2
Makers don't match with each other
Tailored markups for bilateral trading

liquidity providers

  • LP 1
  • LP 2
  • LP 3
pic pic Settlement
ClientCustomer — liquidity taker
MM — market makers
LP — liquidity provider

4 Steps for Accessing Finest Liquidity



Establish a legal relationship with the platform and LPs: mutual KYC and agreements



Agree on mutual trading limits with an LP and potential prefunding: 0-20%



Access aggregated order book and monitor your positions via GUI or API



Settle with the LP whenever you are ready or rollover your open positions

Product in details

Bring value to customers, whilst we take care of your trading needs

You care

We care

Step 1

You sign up on Finery Markets


Multi-role account access

Step 2

You select your counterparties and pass through KYC


Limits management

Risk management

Step 3

You fund your account with the compliant liquidity providers


Leverage and financing tools

Real-time order-book

Firm streaming orders

Step 4

You make a trade


Pre-trade cost analysis

Order execution

Margin checks

Risk Management

Position management

Position roll-over tools

Market data & trade history

Step 5

Automated or manual settlement


Crypto settlement support, network agnostic

Fiat settlement support


Settlement & trade history

Scale your business, leave the hard work of your trading needs to us

Reduce your integration costs and operational risk across multiple access points with our platform

Get started

Trusted by global partners

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